Sunday, February 23, 2014


I don't completely understand how between 2% and 5% of the population can have so much hold over the rest of the country. Now I am not here to bash anyone and I will be up front and say I am a Bible believing Christian.

Now I love and care about those who label themselves as homosexual, but what concerns me is the political pull the have. They seem to have the courts on their side while the public is not. The voters vote one way and the courts rule the opposite. Biblical Christians are forced to remain silent by threats of lawsuit or IRS investigation while the gays sling mud. 2% of the population can silence over 75% of the population.

They demand equal right, which they already have, so they demand special rights which degrades the rights of others.

20 years ago the merely wanted to live and let live without being harassed, they declared it was all they wanted. 10 years ago they wanted civil unions and swore they would never ask for marriage while at the same time wanting to adopt. 5 years ago they started demanding to be able to marry. All the while silencing the Christians to the point of many actually falling away from the faith.

So help me understand how something that God says is sin can dominate what is righteous.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Modern Slavery

Yes I said it, Modern Slavery, it has many faces as in entitlements such as food stamps, welfare, Obama phones, forced insurance, we are all slaves to something some more than others. Now the want to take away our right to free speech making it a hate crime, trying to destroy any form of Christian faith from the inside as well as out, they want to take away our guns, they promote what is bad while destroying what is good. Marshal Law is soon to follow with FEMA camps(internment camps), public executions. The tribulation will not be far behind and none will be prepared for it not even those defined as preppers, but you should still prep.