Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gangs are home grown terrorists

Yeah I said it. While the nation is focused on Newtown, Aurora, and Boston and looking for ways to take gun rights from the law abiding, the law breakers get a free pass. Do you realize that gang violence is worse than the combined wars we are fighting yet the mainstream media is silent in this area. Why? Because it doesn't fit the agenda of those who want to strip our freedoms. We are surrounded by terrorists yet the administration wants to disarm us. The gangs and jihadist aren't going to obey the law no matter how many you create, the bad guys will always be armed and Satan will come to you as an angel of light. This is craziness, we are getting further and further away from God, kicking God out of our lives while promoting His enemies with every law and every freedom lost.

I was having a conversation with my buddies at work and they see what I see but don't know what to do about it. You speak up, you become a target, you remain silent, you become a victim. You keep to yourself and don't give in to others  stupidity by not arguing with their ignorance and your branded a coward. You restrain yourself because you know what you can do to others, your branded a coward. Well I am not a coward, we need to stand up to ignorance and stop letting the ignorant bully us into silence.

List of actual terrorist of course are gangs and jihadist but there are areas that most do not want to address like the gays, liberals, illegals, yeah I said it, if they are not the terrorist they are definitely enablers. Planned Parenthood is a terrorist organization that murders unborn children. We have to stand  up to the evil of this world and stop staying silent.

Go to God and study His word and live for Him and reject the temptations of this world.

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