Saturday, January 11, 2014


Anger, there is self-serving anger, self-pity anger, righteous anger, barbaric anger, call it what you will we all have anger even Jesus had anger, I have anger. The world around us is a cesspool of anger and I know my anger and I must control it or I hurt those I love, or those I respect, or even those who deserve it, but I control my anger and I focus it into more creative ways like art, or writing, or my job there are many ways to focus ones anger and be productive. But there are time when anger needs something else to satisfy it and unfortunately I cannot bring myself to do what I need to do.

I like to fight, show my strength, my power over others yet I am older and more fragile and fighting would have to be quick and that is my dilemma because I know how to be quick with a fight but it mean crippling or even killing others to win and even though I am prepared I have others around me that are not so I cannot afford prison. So I draw pictures, build things from wood, write these blogs, work my job better than most, bow from fights like a coward for the sake of those I love. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hate is a powerful and very inappropriately used word much like anti or tolerant. Anti make you seem extreme much like hate does and if you aren't tolerant then you are anti something or a hate monger. I hate stuff, action, even people, but I can learn to get over my hatred without tolerating. I hate cigarettes and I have difficulty tolerating them because I am allergic. I hate when someone constantly misunderstand me either on purpose or by misunderstanding. Now for people I don't really hate them but what they do yet when I show my distaste of what they do I am called a hater of some sort like I hate cigarettes and I hate when someone smokes around me, it doesn't mean I hate the person but that I am allergic and would prefer to breath without coughing or sneezing uncontrollably. Some people respect that I am allergic while others are so addicted they actually tell me to just deal with it. Needless to say I try to avoid people like that because they have no respect for other or themselves and they don't even realize it.

Now the cigarette analogy is true, I am allergic to them and it doesn't mean I hate anyone just as I hate that people over eat, or are out of shape, or give into temptations like alcohol, sex, drugs, porn and so many things that are addictive. Many give in to temptations and justify them like being born a certain way, or being genetically prone to certain things or number of other reasons yet I am a hater and they are just born that way. Why can't I be born the way I am? Oh wait a minute, I was born and I learned a little, and I have been tempted a lot and given in plenty but my temptation do not define me but I do deal with them.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Tolerance what an oxy-moron. We tolerate a lot in this world everyday idiots, evil, hypocrites, gays, taxes, oh hell why don't I just say it "SIN". Sin is what the Politically Correct wants us to tolerate while they tear everything good to the ground. I am sorry but the only things I tolerate is what Lord says we should tolerate and PC is not one of them. If you are sinning I am going to address it and if you don't like it then just "tolerate it".