Saturday, January 11, 2014


Anger, there is self-serving anger, self-pity anger, righteous anger, barbaric anger, call it what you will we all have anger even Jesus had anger, I have anger. The world around us is a cesspool of anger and I know my anger and I must control it or I hurt those I love, or those I respect, or even those who deserve it, but I control my anger and I focus it into more creative ways like art, or writing, or my job there are many ways to focus ones anger and be productive. But there are time when anger needs something else to satisfy it and unfortunately I cannot bring myself to do what I need to do.

I like to fight, show my strength, my power over others yet I am older and more fragile and fighting would have to be quick and that is my dilemma because I know how to be quick with a fight but it mean crippling or even killing others to win and even though I am prepared I have others around me that are not so I cannot afford prison. So I draw pictures, build things from wood, write these blogs, work my job better than most, bow from fights like a coward for the sake of those I love. 

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