Wednesday, March 19, 2014


As you might be able to tell I have been studying and researching on homosexuality. Recently I purchased the book "Torn" by Justin Lee. It is a good book and Justin seems to be a sincere author and Christian but what I see missing in his book, or just haven't seen so far, is the reference for our fighting with "powers and principalities" another words Satan and his demons.

Years ago I was fighting with a few sins of my own and researching other sins that seem to be inherited or inborn. My Dad and Granddad both died of alcoholism within a year of each other and the following year my youngest son was born, on my Granddads birthday. So two tragedies and one blessing. But back to my research, I was digging thru the Bible, several different translations, concordances, commentaries and one thing kept popping into my mind, Satan.

Yes I said Satan. He tempted Eve, he tried to ruin Jobs faith, he even tempted Christ and possessed Peter and Judas. Temptations are found through out the Bible and Satan and his demons are the ones who love to destroy the faithful. So I thought about it and came up with a theory. We are all born into a fallen world and born with a sin nature, so with this in mind from conception till death Satan and his demon study us and see things in us we do not even realize until it seem like its no way out. Now if we are born with leaning toward certain sins like alcoholism, gluttony, theft or murder just to name a few, what is to say we become targets for these type of sins, Satan constantly tempting and influencing us until we actually start believe we are a certain way and start acting the certain way and feel as if we can't help ourselves believe the lies from the great liars and then we start acting on them thinking we cannot help it completely forget Jesus always give us a way out while Satan is telling us He is the liar. We start drinking to much or eating to much or even stealing or murdering all the while believing the great deceiver.

Apply this to homosexuality and start understand why the believe they are born that way, why not we are told the other sinners are born a certain way. An alcoholic is born that way, a thief, a murderer and so on. How do we approach them? With love and help or rejection and incarceration depending on their sin. Homosexuals are no different in that they need support, not for their sin but for their struggle.

This has been hard for me because I have been so focused on the sins and not the cause. We all struggle with sin and Jesus said Himself that all sins are equally punishable, all are still unclean and make us just as filthy whether we tell a little white lie or murder someone and all require the same antidote, Jesus Christ. Remember God love us all just the way we are, but do we love Him the way He deserves, "If you Love Me keep my commandments". Do you have true love or false love? Read the Bible and accept it for what it says. 

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